new book released!

Meniscus: Rosetta Stone is live on Amazon!


Meet Abra and Trath as they try to rescue a manuscript written in both Gel-speak and Dock-winder. The manuscript is a kind of ‘Rosetta Stone’ which could unlock the mystery of the Dock-winder language. And could contain information to lead to the end of the cruel domination of all sentients on Meniscus.



Rosetta Stone is the tenth book in the Meniscus Science Fiction Series (eleventh if you count Meniscus: 1.5).



If you haven’t read any of the Series, Book One (Meniscus: Crossing the Churn), Book Six (Meniscus: Oral Traditions), and Book Ten (Meniscus: Rosetta Stone) would be good places to jump in to the story.


Each book has a list of characters, a glossary of Meniscus-peculiar plants, animals and items, and a dictionary of Gel-speak. All the books are illustrated with my black and white drawings.



I hope you will enjoy the new book and the new characters introduced to the stories.


I will receive my copies of Meniscus:Rosetta Stone by November 15 and, soon after, they will be available from Westminister Books in Fredericton. Copies are also available at here.


Keep on reading!


(a.k.a. Jane)

2 thoughts on “new book released!

    • jane tims October 15, 2021 / 3:01 pm

      Hi Lee! Thank you. I’ll be sending your copy as soon as they arrive. You are a big help to me!


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