Meniscus: Meeting of Minds

When Daniel, the Slain, rescues his wife, Odymn, from the clutches of the Dock-winders, he is bewildered to discover: Odymn does not know him. She does does not remember the last twelve years of her life.



For the reader, Meeting of Minds means seeing the alien planet of Meniscus through Odymn’s eyes as if for the first time.


For those who have read the earlier books, this means knowing more than the protagonist. The reader knows Odymn should not wander by herself in the woodland. She should not eat that weird plant. Water will not go down the throat so easily as on Earth. If she only knew, she can trust Daniel, the Slain.


For those who have not read the series before, this is a great book to break in to the story. You can see this weird, dangerous world through Odymn’s eyes and get to know the characters she meets.


Meniscus: Meeting of Minds is the ninth book in the science fiction series. It is now available through Amazon (just click here) or, if you live in the Fredericton area, in Westminster Books.



All my best,

Alexandra ( a.k.a. Jane)

Meeting of Minds

You wake.

You are in an unfamiliar world where the trees have glandular bark…



and the plants on the forest floor drip acidic sap…



there are two moons in the sky at night…



you try to take a drink of water, but it effervesces in your throat and refuses to be swallowed…


and the man beside you claims he is your husband, but you have never seen him before…



you do have vague memories of a purple creature with a long neck, speaking in rapid clicks and consonants, stealing your memories…



So you can empathize with Odymn,

and look forward to seeing how she reacts to the strange world of Meniscus…

A quick read, illustrated, lots of romance and adventure…

Meniscus: Meeting of Minds



book nine of the Meniscus Science Fiction Series

a dystopian saga, on a planet far from home…

paperback or ebook available here


all my best

Alexandra (a.k.a. Jane)

coming soon – Meniscus: Oral Traditions

Coming March 2019 – the sixth book in the Meniscus Series. The setting is the planet Meniscus, but in this book, we meet new characters who will eventually become part of the town at Themble Hill.


Meniscus: Oral Traditions

Margaret, with her Masters Degree in Chemistry, works at a call centre. Her days are uneventful, answering the questions of pet owners and walking along the river with her dog Winston each evening.

Then everything changes.

One minute she is explaining to a call centre customer how to convince her labradoodle to swallow its medication.

And the next, her hair has grown four inches and she is in the streets of an alien city, surrounded by unfamiliar spaces, water that climbs and aliens with skin like green gelatin.

In the next weeks, Tagret (no one will use her proper name) learns about her new home on Meniscus and meets one of the Slain, Human males who have been genetically modified by the Dock-winder aliens. Rist is like no other Slain. He is strong and has a Slain’s special weaponry and abilities, but he also sings and jokes and makes Tagret feel safe on this alien planet.

Together they set off on an adventure that will put Tagret’s chemistry knowledge to use.

But Rist has a secret. He has taken a vow . . .


Meniscus: Oral Traditions will be available March 31, 2019 !

Rist and Tagret foreground

I hope you will like this new story about Humans on an alien planet!

All my best,
